ANNOUNCE: gcompris 4.0PRE1


gcompris 4.0PRE1


GCompris is a full featured education game for kids between 3 and 8. 
The game includes many different activities like teaching how to use a
mouse and keybord, memory games, vector drawing, basic educational games,
reading, algebra exerciser and more.


- Created the fifteen board based on the libgnomecanvas demo
- Implemented assetml which is a new way to access resource files like
images and sounds. This will allow educational applications to share their
content. Now gcompris rely on libassetml and assetml resource file to
- Assetml is a big change, it means first that you must also install
gcompris-libassetml to install and run gcompris.
- Now some data files have to be downloaded from the ofset download page in
the assetml section.
- You can get more information on what assetml is by reading the
- I would like to mention that the childsplay project has already
implemented assetml and thus we will be abble to share our content.
Childsplay is still a young project but it's a very good alternative to
gcompris for those who want to be 100% python and use a very efficient
drawing API like SDL. I hope other educational project will follow.
- Thanks to Susan Rich, we now have a complete set of english voices:
download it from the assetml download section


- Better handling of internal dialog boxes. No more lock when you hit 'esc'
to quit it.
- Fixed bug where the icon was becomming darker and darker.
- added gtk_window_fullscreen call to support full compliant standard
window manager (like xfce). Now the WManager bar should not be displayed
when gcompris is in full screen
- fixed bug and screen refresh in the canal lock activity
- fixed end loop in case there was no .ogg to play in the
gcompris/boards/music/background/ or this directory is inexistant (the
default case). Note that if you create the directory
{/usr/share}/gcompris/boards/music/background/ and put ogg music in it,
they will be played in background while running gcompris (replace
/usr/share by where you gcompris/boards installation resides)
- removed explosion and mine in the submarine activity. Added display of
the current air in the air tankers
- fixed bug in shape type game: if the item is back to the list, it remains
marked found
- replaced the match star/tree by tuxplane/tuxhelico in the baby match
activity since the tree/star has no meaning in non christian country
- In reversecount: fixed several bugs: can no more jump over the fish can
no more face impossible case (too close or too far) now tux moves ice by
ice to let the kid count in his head.
- In the simple colors activity: now text is displayed if no voice
available or sounds fx are disabled


GNOME Software Map entry

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