ANNOUNCE: Conglomerate 0.7.5


Conglomerate 0.7.5 - "Now You See It, Now You Don't"


Conglomerate is an XML editor for GNOME, aiming to be as user-friendly as
possible, to help non-technical people to use DocBook and similar

Conglomerate is becoming more usable, and is regularly used by the author
for small documents, including these release notes.  However it is still
UNSTABLE, and not yet ready for heavy-duty production use.
In  keeping with Gnome tradition, this release of Conglomerate is codenamed
with a phrase that makes no sense to most people reading the release
announcement. Enjoy :-)

     * Undo/Redo  now  works,  with  an  unlimited history. Large
       amounts of the program was rewritten to allow this. (me)
     * Allow  clicking beyond the end of the fragment of text, to
       make  it  easy  to  select  past  the  end  of a line (bug
       #121066) (me)
     * Improvements  to  the "Required Child" dialog to use Glade
       and be more HIG-compliant (David Hoover)
     * Parser  error  dialog  now supports syntax highlighting if
       GtkSourceView is available (Geert-Jan Van den Bogaerde)
     * Display  Specifications  can  now specify if whitespace is
       significant  within an XML element. It is respected by the
       Cleanup  XML Source tool, and there is some support in the
       main   editor  view.  DocBook's  <programlisting>  tag  is
       flagged to work this way. (me)
     * We  now  generate API documentation, using gtk-doc (Robert
       Varga, Geert Stappers, me)
     * New translation: cs - Czech (Miloslav Trmac)
     * Updated   translations:   de   (Christian   Neumair),   sv
       (Christian  Rose),  pl (Artur Flinta), sr, sr Latn (Danilo
       Segan), nl (Elros Cryiatan)

     * Allow  going one character beyond the end of text buffers,
       to allow for sane cursor movement (bug #121066 again) (me)
     * Stopped  unnecessary  addition  of  whitespace  nodes when
       adding new structural elements (me)


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