Announce: Jungle Monkey 0.1.6

Jungle Monkey 0.1.6 ("Curious George") is now available.  This release
contains chat, documentation, improved network configuration, and many
bug and stability fixes.

JM is available at

Jungle Monkey (JM) is a distributed file sharing program.  You join
channels where people offer files for download.  You can offer your
own files and create your own channels as well.  Once you download a
file, others can connect to you to get that file.  You can also search
for files and chat.

HELP WANTED: My old Red Hat package builder lost his fast connection
for the summer.  Please contact me ( if you're
interested in building them.  It's easy - just do 'make rpm' as root
in the source directory.

0.1.6 ("Curious George" release)
* Chat
* Documentation (also integrated in Gnome version, also on web site)
* Improved network configurations including configurable port
* Portability fixes for NetBSD
* Many bug and stability fixes
* Vast internal restructuring
* Not compatible with 0.1.5

      __          _    __ 
  ___/ /__ __  __(_)__/ /  David Helder - University of Michigan
 / _  / _ `/ |/ / / _  /

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