announce: glademm-0.2.7 available

A new Version of the glade (Gtk GUI builder) to C++ converter is
available at .

Version 0.2.7:
- this is the STABLE branch of glade--, currently there's much
  reorganization and improvement on the HEAD branch, so I decided to fix

  some bugs in the meantime
- removed generated files from the STABLE branch
- added merger to the STABLE branch
- updated for gtk-1.2 and gtkmm-1.0 - yes it really happened!!!
  now the tests compile and work (sort of)
- speeded up Makefile execution

Version 0.2.6:
- fixed indentation in optionmenu
- added docs/gtkmmtips.html
- made separators in menus work as expected
- implemented new gtk--addon's SearchComboBox API
- fixed text constructor

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