Re: Java ATK Wrapper? [Was: Could we release new Accerciser version ?]

The last time I got involved with Java ATK wrapper was not a good experience. I would prefer to not get involved with it again. For some of the options, the basic guidelines I summarized for Accerciser still applies. But again, Im not giving any advice. Im not involved. Im not here.

Good luck.

On 1/4/19 16:41, Samuel Thibault wrote:

BTW, there is also the Java ATK Wrapper, for which I have more than a
dozen patches submitted to the BTS.  Is Magdalen Berns still an actual
maintainer?  The last committer, Fridrich Strba, told me he isn't and
just got his changes pushed by somebody who happened to have the right
to.  How should I proceed to get things to move there?


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