Re: 2010/09/23 15:00 UTC a11y weekly meeting


I would like to add a hopefully quick agenda item about the AEGIS conference and GNOME a11y posters.
I've just been contacted by one of the AEGIS conference organizers asking:
Joseph, could you please provide us with the GNOME posters layout by end of tomorrow-Friday, Sep 24th (or at latest by Monday morning) if you want us to print them? We will need some time for printing, that is why we are now in hurry.
If you are giving a poster for the conference, and you want it printed, 
then I will give you the email contact info at today's meeting.
Also, please add a description of your poster to the wiki page:


'Clown control to Mao Tse Tung.'
 - D. Bowie (misheard lyric) -

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