Using the Java ATK Wrapper with Orca... again

Hello list,

A while ago I posted a question about using the Java ATK Wrapper to provide access to Java swing apps with Orca.

Thanks to those who responded.

I still cannot seem to get Orca to provide access to swing applications and am hoping someone on this list can help? I have a Java exam coming up soon which will require me to write several Java classes including a GUI built with swing and I would much rather use Orca on Ubuntu than Windows.

Here is what I have done;

Downloaded the ATK wrapper (version 0.28.0) from the gnome ftp site, Extracted the archive, ran;

./configure --prefix=/usr/share/gnome-2.0 JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

The example in the installation instructions suggest /opt/gnome-2.0 for the prefix but the only place I have a gnome-2.0 folder is in /usr/share. the JAVA_HOME folder is definitley correct.

Anyway the build seems to go ok although there are plenty of warnings from the C compiler. I get no errors when I try to run a swing application but Orca just says "inaccessible" when I switch to a running Java program.

Is there something more I need to do?  I'd be very grateful for any help.


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