Re: Dotless braille

Willie Walker, le Thu 19 Nov 2009 10:16:23 -0500, a écrit :
> Just an FYI.  Here's some information on "dotless braille" was sent to 
> me via private e-mail and I received permission to pass it on.
> is an interesting thing for sighted people 
> to easily map contracted braille to printed text.  Here's a sample: 
> There may be some potential uses for this in the DOTS idea Eitan was 
> working on and/or a braille transcription plugin for OpenOffice.

Urgl. From a theoretical point of view, it's funny to see that it can be
implemented as a mere font :)

However, that covers one language only (and it's not so beautiful
to read :) ). I'd rather see an OOo transcription plugin rather use
liblouis and render the text or braille itself, adjusting the size as


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