Re: Java-ATK-Wrapper & AT-SPI/D-Bus solution


Thank you for your interest and your work on accessibility technology.

my name is Maria Teresa Roccia and I'm a computer engineering student.
I'm working on my thesis which includes a comparative analysis of Java Accessibility on different Operative Systems (Windows, Linux, Mac) and in particular I have to test different solutions to a rather complex java applet.

Regarding Linux, I started working on Ubuntu 9.04 (Orca 2.26 and GNOME 2.26) and testing various JABG versions, with both java6-sun that java6-OpenJDK. The JABG allowed Orca to read the Java demo applications and everything seemed to work, but it doesn't work on my applet: when my client applet connects to and exchange data with the server by HttpConnection, the JABG stops working! Probably orbit stops the communication with the at-spi-registryd erroneously.

So I decided to test my application with the JAW, but I'm in trouble and I really hope you can help me.

To use DBus architecture I decided to work on Ubuntu 9.10 using GNOME 2.28;
I downloaded the JAW by:
and I followed the instructions in INSTALL.txt:
. / configure --with-java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun --prefix=/usr/share/gnome-2.0,
sudo make
sudo make install

The JAW installation seems to have been completed successfully (unlike JABG, in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib automatically it copies the file that contains the correct reference to JAW: "assistive_technologies = org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper" and in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext directory it copies the java-atk-wrapper.jar file)
But Orca does not read any Java demo application!!
Is there any error messages reported to the terminal?
If I run
python -c "import pyatspi; print(map(lambda x:, filter(lambda x: x, pyatspi.Registry.getDesktop(0))))"
it shows
['gnome-panel', 'Firefox', 'geyes_applet2', 'gtk-window-decorator', 'gnome-screensaver', 'gnome-power-manager', 'nautilus', 'gedit', 'gnome-terminal']
Is my system setup to use AT-SPI/DBus?
JAW communicates with ATK Bridge, so it does not mind whether the underlying communication layer is CORBA or D-Bus, theoretically. But acctually JAW has not been tested against at-spi2, say the at-spi d-bus. This is one of my jobs during the next weeks. I've read the code of at-spi2. Since there are some minor changes in interfaces, we also need some work on JAW.
If yes, why Orca does not read any Java demo application?
If no, what should I do to use a DBus-based architecture?
Can GNOME 2.28 atk module be used by both the AT-SPI/CORBA and AT-SPI/D-Bus solutions? How?
AT-SPI framework is still CORBA based in GNOME 2.28.
You can also mail to gnome-accessibility-list gnome org(cc'd) for further information, there are many experts on accessibility technology.



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