Re: Empathy accessibility

From: Nolan Darilek <nolan thewordnerd info>
> I'm not familiar with the GObject object/inheritance model. If a
> subclass of TreeView is created, does it inherit the ATK information of
> its parent, or do I need to explicitly set its role to that of its
> parent?

The implementation of the a11y support (implementation of the ATK interfaces
and this stuff) are not directly on the object, you use a "parallel object".
I will try to explain myself:
  * You have a widget like GtkTreeView
  * The a11y support is implemented on GailTreeView. This object implement
  some ATK interfaces, and inherits the ATK interface implementation from
  his parents, like GailWidget (that implements AtkComponent, etc.).
  * When you require a11y support for the GtkTreeView you ask for the
  accessible object [1].
  * Using factories [2] this method return a instance of GailTreeView, that
  expose the information from GtkTreeView using common interfaces (the ATK

If you make a subclass of GtkTreeView, like MyFooTreeView, if you don't define
a different factory for this object, gtk_widget_get_accessible will return a
GailTreeView object. In this case I suppose that you don't need to redefine a
new role, as probably are compatible.


API (apinheiro igalia com)

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