Re: [ANNOUNCE] libao support for speechdispatcher (with working pulseaudio :-) )

I applied the above patch to the git sources. Everything built, and ./configure indicated that libao support was included.

I edited /etc/libao.conf on my Ubuntu system and set the driver to pulse (why isn't that Ubuntu's default, I wonder?)

I set the output method to libao. Wasn't sure about this as it wasn't documented in the original message, but eyeballing the patch seems to indicate this is necessary.

spd-conf indicates that speechd is working, though there isn't yet a separate libao test.

But when I switch to the speechd orca backend, I start experiencing the same problems that sent me to gnome-speech with my current pulse setup--namely, every second or two speech drops out for a bit while audio gets re-buffered or something. Not sure if this means that I wasn't using libao, or if this particular issue still isn't resolved. I didn't last long enough to comment on its stability, as the regular re-buffering was enough of a deal-breaker for me.

But, in any case, thanks for this work.

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