[Fwd: [Blizzard] Blizzard 2008 listening test is ready !]

Hi All:

I haven't looked at the page to see if it is accessible (I hope it is!), but here's a chance for you to give feedback on the state-of-the-art in speech synthesis being done by some of the best minds in the industry. Who better to listen to this stuff than people who listen to speech synthesis all day long?

BTW, I've done these tests in the past, and they can be quite interesting. If they don't have a 'high speaking rate' test, maybe we can influence them for next year's test? :-)

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message from Simon King <Simon King ed ac uk> to blizzard-discuss
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We're pleased to announce that the Blizzard 2008 listening test is now available. We need your help in getting as many subjects as possible to participate. There are different start pages for various listener types - please take care to use the correct one:


Speech experts: http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/blizzard/blizzard2008/english/register-ES.html

Volunteers: http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/blizzard/blizzard2008/english/register-ER.html


Speech experts: http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/blizzard/blizzard2008/mandarin/register-MS.html

Volunteers: http://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/blizzard/blizzard2008/mandarin/register-MR.html

Subjects do not need to be native speakers - we gather information about this in the questionnaire at the end of the listening test. The listening test can be completed in one session, or over multiple sessions.

If you speak both English and Mandarin, then you may participate in both listening tests if you wish.

Please publicise this as widely as possible on your mailing lists, blogs, web pages, or whatever. Also, please ensure that as many members of your research group, other colleagues, students, family, etc participate as possible! We need hundreds of subjects for each language. Remember to direct them to the appropriate start page.

Note that we are also running several other listener groups for paid subjects; if you would like to organise a group of paid subjects, then please contact me. We can also set up groups for other specific listener types, if we know there is a large enough pool of available subjects with certain characteristics; contact me if you want to discuss this.

Please report problems to blizzard festvox org


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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