A11Y IRC Meeting Minutes - 20080825

Someone might not join the IRC meeting. I'm happy about talking the
meeting minutes to share with you. If I miss something important, you
can correct me.


Attendee: WillieWalker, FlaPer87, frafu, slee, daviddb, JeffCai etc.

FlaPer87 introduced the current state of MourseTrap.

- With a lot of code refactoring, MouseTrap can reduce its CPU usage
about a 80%. (OpenCV framework)

- Three Main Movement Methods
Screen Method:http://mousetrap.flaper87.org/trac/wiki/ScreenMethod
Hold Method: http://mousetrap.flaper87.org/trac/wiki/Hold_Method
Drag and Drop Method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaod5Llh-iE

The scripting handler was created to allow others to express their
imagination and create the methods as they would like:

- Willie can only try one mode in the preferences. He ends up with
"Attribute Error: 'module‘ object has no attribute 'reqMovement'. This
is a bug.

- FlaPer87 said OLPC (One laptop per child) was interested in MouseTrap.

- FlaPer87 suggested that Screen Method could be used combining with
other A11Y applications, but Will said it was too sensitive.


[0] http://mousetrap.flaper87.org/trac/wiki/Installation

[1] http://mousetrap.flaper87.org/trac/wiki/Running_MouseTrap

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