keystrokes for running Orca in ubuntu

When I try to boot Ubuntu with speech on the Ubuntu desktop CD I notice that I seem to get magnifyer as well. I have been having a look at the Feisty CD and it seems to work better on my desktop than the Live CD for Edgy although it does take a few attempts to start speech but I am wondering if the problem is that I am using too much memory on something I don't use because when Feisty runs as Live from the desktop CD I hear something about magnifyer. What I do when I try to boot the CD is press F5 followed by 3 and enter twice when I hear the beep through the speaker of my Desktop but I am wondering if 3 is speech and magnifyer as I don't get speech until I do alt F2 inside Ubuntu so I am wondering if the accessibility options for just speech are different or when you select speech you have to run the magnifyer as well.
Perhaps someone can tell me.
Unlike Edgy I do seem to be able to get into a terminal and I have managed to run W3m although I don't know the keystrokes for navigating through forms as tab doesn't seem to take you through links and leaving one field and going to another with the down cursor doesn't respond.

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