Migrating from debian to ubuntu?

This might be better asked on a ubuntu list but i wasn't sure. I was afraid
ubuntu-users might not understand the problems of braille/speech.
But i know this is more a ubuntu issue than a gnome issue. So if this is too
offtopic, redirect me and I'll take my question elsewhere.

I am now running debian unstable. I recently tried migrating from debian
etch to ubuntu and had problems. the biggest one was with sysvutils not
being able to install because it was trying to overwrite something in
sysvinit-utils but there were some other problems too. I had tried a direct
install of ubuntu with the method of becoming root and running ubiquity but
I didn't get speech or braille in the gui; tried this with feisty. Has
anybody migrated using apt-get from debian unstable to either edgy or feisty
and if so do you have any tips or is there anything written anywhere about
this? the one item I got about this searching was a migration from sarge to
edgy and basically said there were no problems for that person. Migrating is
attractive to me because I can use braille all the way and am not fighting
with getting gui working at the same time as trying to do an install.

Tia for any help or redirection.


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