Re: how to use gnopernicus?

Greetings Chiara,

sunchiaretta yahoo it wrote:
I already posted a similar question but I didn't understand the answer and I couldn't get my goal.
I would like you to give me the instructions to make gnopernicus read an internet page. That's all. Could you do this?
Thank you.
Chiara Frassino

To browse a web page with Gnopernicus and a web browser, do the following:

 1. Get a UNIX or GNU/Linux distro with the GNOME desktop and Gnopernicus
    on it.  Solaris 10 from Sun is a fine choice, but then I'm biased.  There
    are numerous other alternatives.  Fedora Core 4 seems to be a popular one.

 2. Get either a recent build of Mozilla or Firefox, or for best results as
    of today, get the Sun accessibility branch of Mozilla 1.7.  This can be
found at:
    (for your pleasure we include both sources and a binary for Fedora).
    Note: if you have Solaris 10, you already have a pretty recent Sun
    build of Mozilla 1.7

 3. Launch Gnopernicus, or configure your desktop session to launch it
    automatically.  Of course, ensure that GNOME desktop accessibility is
    also turned on.

 4. Launch Mozilla.  In Solaris 10 this is Ctrl-Esc, down-arrow 3 times, then
    <CR> or spacebar.

 5. Press the F7 key to turn on caret navigation in a web page.  You should
    only need to do this once; your caret navigation setting will be
    preserved across session.

 6. Enter the URL of the page you want to go to.  As focus is intially
    in the content area, Ctrl-Tab will bring you to the URL bar to do this.
    Alternately in the File menu is "Open Web Location...".  Alt-F, L
    or Ctrl-Shift-L will bring up the URL-entry dialog box into which
    you can enter your URL.  In either case, after typing in the URL,
    Press <CR>.  Gnopernicus feedback when you go to the URL bar should
    be "Toolbar, single-line text, http://<your home page URL>".  In the
    case of the "Open Web Location" dialog, the Gnopernicus speech feedback
    should be: "Enter the Web location URL or specify the local file you would
    like to open.  Single line text."

 7. Focus will now be in the content region (if you used the URL bar),
    or on the URL bar (if you used the dialog box; wierd huh?).  If the
    later, press Tab to get to the content region.  In either case, the
    web page title will become the title bar of the Mozilla browser window
    and Gnopernicus will read it to you.  Get to the content region if
    you aren't already there (with Tab), and then you can either read the
    web page by using the standard document arrow keys (left/right arrow
    to read by character, Ctrl-left/right arrow to read by word, up-down
    arrow to read by line, Home/End to get to the start/end of a line,
    and Ctrl-Home/End to get to the start/end of the web page.  You can
    also use the Tab key within the web page to jump through the links.
    More detailed information about the navigation schemes you can use is
    at the Mozilla keyboard content navigation proposal document, at:
    Unfortunately the Gnopernicus flat-review feature doesn't work with
    Mozilla due to a Mozilla bug that we know about and hope to address
    in the not-too-distant future (though if anyone else would like to
    work on it, please be our guest!  This is open source after all.  Why
    should Sun have all the fun?  See the bugzilla bug:

I hope this helps get you started browsing the web.


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

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