Re: dectalk caveat; also apparently alsactl problem


On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 04:54, Cheryl Homiak wrote:

> So, if i MUST run festival with gnopernicus, how do I make sure festival 
> is run instead of dectalk? If i ever figure out why braille won't work I 
> won't bother with the speech any more but for now i have no choice.

You can run gnopernicus with any speech driver. But is possible for some to contain errors. Dectalk driver contains a known problem - gnopernicus becomes quiet sometimes (see for a solution). You can exit from this by pressing CTRL LEFT key (shutup command).

You can choose what driver you want gnopernicus use from interface Preferences/Speech/Voices/EditAbsolute. From this dialog select the driver and the voice you want then press "Force all voices to selected driver and speaker".


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