Background/clarification Re: Annouce: Latest Accessibility Build of Sun Mozilla 1.7 for JDS


There has been a lot of discussion (and criticism) around Sun Beijing's announcement of the availability of a build of accessible Mozilla on I'd like to try to address (at least some of) those concerns/criticisms.

Sun is working on a branch of Mozilla based on 1.7 which will go into the next OS releases from Sun. This release needs to meet accessibility requirements, and is also under tight deadline constraints. Because of this, we are doing all of our work first in our branch, and then as a background process working to get those changes into Mozilla head.

I requested that the Sun Beijing team post to their semi-weekly builds so that a wider audience outside of Sun can get a sense of Mozilla accessibility progress (see the list of 104 accessibility bugs fixed: It would of course be ideal if all of these bug fixes were already in Mozilla head; unfortunately both because of the code review process and the many other tasks on Sun Beijing's plate mean most of these bug fixes haven't yet made it in there.

As I think has been clarified by Loiue and Kyle, we made two Linux binaries available. The "SuSE" build is for the Sun Java Desktop System (based on SuSE) as well as other SuSE-based desktops. In addition, because much of the community uses RedHat-based builds (including Fedora) - and especially much of the disability community because Fedora Core 2 includes accessibility support and is generally available - Sun Beijing as a courtesy also posted a "RedHat" build. We intentionally went with an older RedHat with the expectation that it would be forward compatible. Given the feedback from this list, we will move to using Fedora going forward as the basis for this build. We'll also make source tarballs available.

A lot of people have been waiting for quite a while for accessible UNIX mozilla. The intent of these builds is to enable that community to benefit from our work without having to wait for all of the bugfixes to get into Mozilla head, and to be in a position to give feedback on the bug fixes. I encourage all of you to peruse the list of 104 bugs fixed - just don't try to follow the links to the bug numbers, which [oops] are to Sun's internal bug database that isn't visible outside.


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

louie zhao wrote:
Hi, all

The latest build of Sun Mozilla 1.7 for JDS has been uploaded to

"Sun Mozilla 1.7 for JDS" is based on Mozilla 1.7 of Community and will be integrated in Sun Java Desktop System. Accessibility feature of "Sun Mozilla 1.7 for JDS" is based on ATK and is running on Linux/Unix system. "Sun Mozilla 1.7 for JDS" has integrated a lot of Accessibility bug-fixing, most of which haven't been checked in trunk code of mozilla community at present. This build is for users who is interested in trying or testing Accessibility feature on GNOME 2 in advance. This version is built on SuSE Linux.

In addition, there is a build based on RedHat

README file for detail build information and bug fixing list is also available under above link.

Thanks for reading.

Louie Zhao
Software Engineer, Browser Team
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Ext: x82817
Phone:  +86-10-8261-8200
Fax:    +86-10-6278-0969
email:  louie zhao sun com <mailto:louie zhao sun com>

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