Re: more on gnopernicus-0.7.1

Peter wrote, regarding setup of the java-access-bridge for GNOME:

I'm not sure where this is fully documented (alas)... It probably belongs in the Accessibility Guide for GNOME.
There is lots of good information in the various README files for accessibility packages. This is in itself right and proper, especially in the development phase of projects. However, READMEs are not usually included in packages created for end-user installation. Perhaps we could get some volunteers to import the README information into more appropriate places in the distributed packages?

For something like installation/setup information, online help (the usual place for user docs) isn't necessarily the best place. Given that neither OpenOffice nor Java are "standard" parts of GNOME, this information has not been included in the GNOME Accessibility Guide to date; however I think it would be perfectly appropriate to include in "appendices".

You need to modify the file of your Sun JRE/JDK (see and also ensure your JRE can find the GNOME-Java bridge. The easiest ways to do this are to make two symbolic links:

 ln -s <path-gnome>/gnome-2.6/share/jar/ \


 ln -s <path-gnome>/gnome-2.6/share/jar/gnome-java-bridge.jar \

Then you need to re-install StarOffice, and assuming your Sun Java is installed in the proper place, it will find it, see that it is configured to support accessibility, and will automatically use it and speak through installation. Alternately, the program `jvmsetup` (findable on many systems in /usr/staroffice7/program) will re-configure StarOffice to use a specific JVM of your choosing. Alas if StarOffice isn't configured to be accessible, this program won't be accessible either. I'm afraid I don't recall the StarOffice configuration files that this GUI program modifies...


Peter Korn
Sun Accessibility team

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