Turning off tables in Mozilla makes browsing easier!\

Hi all
Thought you would like to know a tip on making browsing under Mozilla much
easier in carrot browsing mode.

You may remember I asked a question previously as to how one could turn off
tables in Mozilla, as this seems to be the bigegst problem with Carrot browisng
mode at the moment. A sollution was presented to me, and I have been able to
implement it and test it out.

The direct result of this, is the ability to browse the web page, just like you
would with JAWS or Window-Eyes.

This is what I did.
Found the file userContent-example.css in my
mozilla/default/7luasgkp.slt/chrome directory.
I renamed it to userContent.css, and added the following line, which prevents tables from being shown.

table, tr, th, td { display: block }

As I said, it makes browsing webpages a lot easier, and for the time being at
least, is a nice work-around.


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