Gnopernicus 0.7.1 feedback


I've run gnopernicus 0.7.1 to have a look around, and I'd like to post
here some feedback.  Please note that although I have some experience
about windows and console linux systems for visually impaired people,
I'm not visually impaired myself and I have had a look around alone.

 - I've set the /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility key to true and
   exported GTK_MODULES="gail:atk-bridge"
 - I've run gnopernicus.  I get the braille monitor on top of the
   screen, a magnifier on the right part of the screen, the gnopernicus
   button bar and speech reading gnopernicus buttons and, often but not
   always, windows titles as I cycle them
 - The magnifier is stuck: it always displays the same, unchanging image
   of the top-left corner, and a moving mouse cursor if I move it in
   that area of the screen
 - All of gnopernicus is spoken as I navigate it.  However, I can't get
   other Gtk applications to speak (I tried abiword, galeon and gedit)
 - There are a lot of customization dialogs in gnopernicus, but to set
   up any specific need you need to tweak all options in many screens.

   It would be nice to regroup the configuration options depending on
   needs, instead: allow selection of a basic profile based on
   personal impairments and then allow to tweak on top of that.

   For example, a blind user won't need the magnifier, nor probably the
   on-screen keyboard.  A motion-impaired user would need dasher and
   synthesis, maybe, but probably no magnifier

   It would be intriguing to also have an "extra coolness" profile
   running interesting goodies for people without special impairments,
   like speech and a small dasher input window.  It would be cute for
   people to explore them, and it would give extra testing to those
 - If I exit gnopernicus, the magnifier and the festival processes
   aren't killed and keep running



GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <enrico debian org>

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