Re: Dasher accessibility integration

On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 07:50:13AM -0700, Peter Korn wrote:

> Very cool!  I'm eager to try this out, and also to hear what users think of
> it.  What are your plans beyond menu and toolbars?  Any thoughts about text
> editing functions (the GOK folks are polishing their work on that now).

Text editing is awkward until we deal with the ability to send arbitrary 
characters to applications in a fairly sane manner - the X input stuff 
available to applications is an awkward bugger to work with if you're 
not a keyboard (Dasher has no real concept of capital letters, for 
instance - they're all the same to it, so faffing about sending shifts 
and as doesn't work terribly well). The accessibility library has a 
documented API for sending UTF-8 characters, but it's not implemented 
yet. Sorting it centrally rather than in a Debian-specific fashion would 
probably be preferable, so I'm happy to spend some time looking into 
that in the next month or so.

It'd be good to talk about this stuff at Gu4dec - how many of the 
accessibility people are in Dublin before Monday? Some sort of BOF on 
this sort of thing might be interesting.
Matthew Garrett | mjg59 srcf ucam org

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