Dasher accessibility integration

I've spent yesterday and last night hacking some of the toolkit 
accessibilty integration that I'd mentioned earlier into Dasher. The 
code's not compilable except by hand at the moment, so I won't be 
releasing it just yet, but I've stuck a screenshot at 
http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/dashercontrol.jpg . I've zoomed into the 
control node, selected gnome-panel and then dived down into the 
applications menu. Instead of that, I could have headed for an 
application and selected menu items from there. Currently I only look 
for menu items - toolbars would be a trivial addition. At the moment 
there's a lot of redundant stuff (a frame surrounding a menu results in 
an extra layer of boxes to dive through), but I'll look into stripping 
that out.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 srcf ucam org

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