Re: step by step instruction on how to start gnome

Hello, Cris.
At the current time gnome-speech  does not have  Dectalk Express support. There is a driver I am developing, but I haven't done much with that project as of late.
For the time being you'll need your sound card operational so that you can use gnopernicus with a software speech system such as festival, freetts, or the dectalk software from Fonix.
I'm not certain, but I believe Fedora uses the Red Hat sndconfig utility for sound card configuration.
If so make sure sndconfig is installed, and run sndconfig which is a textual dialog based application which will walk you step by step through the sound configuration.
As for starting gnome you'll need three things. One make sure the x-windows server is installed properly. Make sure gnome is installed and set as your default desktop. These questions were probably asked during the Linux install, and while installing you should have installed x and a gnome desktop. It is also a good idea to install festival as gnopernicus generally defaults to festival first. If so you are ready to start up gnome with accessibility.
Before launching gnome for the first time this accessibility key must be set. This only needs to be once.
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
Now, type startx and x-windows should load.
At this point press alt-f2 to get a run dialog, type gnopernicus, and press enter.
Assuming your sound card is operational, festival is installed, you should here welcome to gnopernicus.
----- Original Message -----
From: cris
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 12:59 PM
Subject: step by step instruction on how to start gnome

> Hi Folks,
> Where can I find a step by step instructions on how to start gnome with
> gnopernicus? I am completely illiterate with linux.  I just installed fedora
> and want to play with gnome.  My fedora could not detect my sound system, so
> I want to try gnopernicus with dectalk express.  If any of you can guide me
> through this process, I will be grateful.
> Cheers,
> Cris

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