serious responsiveness issues with dectalk software and gnopernicus

Hi all
Well, I've been doing a fair amount of playing with my gnome-2.3 setup. I've noticed one, very annoying thing to be different: the dectalk software is no longer as responsive as it was. It isn't the most responsive thing to begin with, but in gnome-2.2 it was quite usable. Now, however, there will be extremely long delays (up to 10 seconds) before I hear anything after pressing a key. These delays can also happen after a gnopernicus message, most notably "switch to window". After it says that, there's a delay of about 5 seconds before it tells me what window it has switched too, and another 5 seconds at least before I hear what control I've landed on. I've also tried FreeTTS and, while the delay isn't nearly as long, it's definitely longer than it used to be. The only synth that seems to be as responsive as before is festival.

Any ideas? Should I be changing some options or using some compiler flags?


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