Re: garnome-0.17.1: missing download

Hi, Cheryl.
My suggestion is find the tarball on an ftp site, or grab the bz2  package,
and then extract it. Once that is done you can simply open that directory,
and do the following:

  sh --prefix=/gnome/directory
make install

Note, ;/gnome/directory means where ever you have installed garnome to.


----- Original Message -----
From: Cheryl Homiak <chomiak chartermi net>
To: <gnome-accessibility-list gnome org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: garnome-0.17.1: missing download

> I moved back to this version on advice of the changelog for the current
> version of garnome, because I was indeed having fun? with xfontconfig and
xft in
> the build. However, I've now been stopped dead in my tracks because
> there. I verified
> this by going there myself.
> so now what do I do?
> Sorry if this has already been discussed; i didn't see it in the
> archives, but i could have missed it.
> Thanks.
> Cheryl
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