atk_action_get_keybindings revisited

I assume that the function atk_action_get_keybindings() should identify the 
ketval and modifiers associated with an action and that the action can be 
regarded as synonymous with a signal on the GTK widget which has been associated 
with the keyval and modifiers using gtk_binding_entry_add_signal().

It seems that we need an interfaces which for an object clas will identify the 
signals which have bindings associated with them and for given a signal will 
return the keyval and modifiers associated with it by the function 

A quick look at gtkbinding.h revales that these interfaces do not exist.

Is atk_action_get_keybindings() important enough that we should requerst that 
the GTK folks provide us with interfaces which will allow us to implement 


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