[g-a-devel] Dictionary Tabs to replace radio buttons tabs for the [all] pages.

I have about 200 plus applications in my Fedora 29 Gnome based distro.

With the main menu we have the option for [frequent] or[all].My request is about the [all] section.  Currently to find my applicaiton I end up doing a binary search. To eliminate all the guessing, is it possible to replace the radio button with a horizontal lozenge shape?  Within the lozenge, complete it's interior with something similar to what we have with quality paper based dictionaries or reference books.  Typically the first three letters of that tab.

Within that lozenge or "tear drop" shape it would help to include three characters pertaining to the top left application associated with what is currently the radio button.

My radio buttons list could appear similar to the following. I took the top left icon from each radio button and put it adjacent to the radio button.  Hopefully the radio button could be replaced by a (xxx) An example follows below 

2d  O
Dev O    
Fre O
Hyd O    

l2v  O
Tig  O    
and so forth 

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