Re: [g-a-devel] Java ATK Wrapper unimplented methods

Hi list,

I have now added a list of deprecated functions which are implemented (and what they ought to be replaced with) in the HACKING file now too.[1] On reviewing that information I think it becomes pretty apparent that getting the text, component and value interfaces up to date is a good way to progress the java-atk-wrapper update from here, building off what's already there and referring to what's been done in gtk+ for reference where this is useful.

As is probably clear already, I have not yet had a proper look at the state of the signals for all these interfaces but it's safe to say on testing the wrapper that some of them are not doing their jobs properly yet. Once these three interfaces are a bit more up to speed I should be able to address any problems there more strategically. In the meantime, feedback, bug reports and patches for the java-atk-wrapper are welcome.[2]



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