Re: [g-a-devel] AT-SPI caching and D-Bus usage

Alejandro et al,

Thanks for the reply. I apologize for taking so long to get to it.

 * atspi_event_listener_register_full:
 * @listener: The #AtspiEventListener to register against an event type.
 * @event_type: a character string indicating the type of events for
 *            notification is requested.  See
 * for a description of the format and legal event types.
* @properties: (element-type gchar*) (transfer none) (allow-none): a
list of
 *             properties that should be sent along with the event. The
 *             properties are valued for the duration of the event
 *             TODO: Document.

Nitpick: atspi_event_listener_register had a "error" param of type
GError*. Do you plan to remove the "error" from this method? Because if
that is the case, I'm not sure if adding _full is a good name. Usually
the _full is added when you define a method that has exactly the same
methods that the base case, plus some others (like properties).

I might have removed it by accident. Thanks for the catch.

As this is an at-spi2-core addition, I assume that for properties you
mean those defined as properties on the DBUS xml files. Saying that as
the atspi library doesn't define any glib properties (in that aspect,
this is another point to improve documentation).

Right, although whether to expose things as glib properties is a good question and might be worth looking at in terms of merging AT-SPI and ATK.

So under that assumption, it is true that this new method would solve
several roundabouts, so reducing the amount of DBUS messages on several
cases. But I don't see how this would solve the original problem that
triggered this API addition. Im talking about that magnifier freeze [1]
on some situations. One of the proposals was sending an AtspiRect with
the Extents of the object. Discarded waiting for a more high level
proposal. First step is this mail. The problem is that the Extents of an
object is not a property of the Component interface. It is defined the
method GetExtents, but not the property.

At the moment I have a new D-Bus property defined, called ScreenExtents, which corresponds to the extents with ATSPI_COORD_TYPE_SCREEN specified.

So, how this new API will handle this case? Or to solve this situation
you are proposing this API and defining new properties? I guess that
this would be complex for properties with more that one component, like
Extents. I'm not sure right now if you can define a property with two
components (typical case: Position with x and y).

Right now we only have D-Bus properties in AT-SPI. A D-Bus property is sent using a variant which can hold an arbitrary type, including a structure. If you're talking about GObject properties, then it is similar, since they are sent using GValues which can potentially hold a boxed type.

And in relation with the properties, somewhat off-topic on this thread,
but still relevant. While working on the AtkDocument stuff, specifically
about bringing the new document stuff to at-spi2, I noticed that the
usage of properties and/or Get/Set methods is not consistent. For
example, Accessible define Name and Description as read-only properties,
so doesn't define a GetName/GetDescription methods. But Component define
methods GetAlpha/GetLayer, but not properties. In the same way, there
are some properties defined on at-spi but not as properties on atk (like
current-page-number, yes my fault). It would be good to try to define a
"when something should be defined as a property and when not" and try to
homogenize at-spi2 with that rules. And also apply that to atk,
something that would also simplify any future atk/at-spi2 merge.

Good point; it is pretty arbitrary right now.

 * atspi_collection_get_tree:
 * @collection: the #AtspiCollection to query.

FWIW: This assumes that any accessible would implement collection. Is
the current case but not sure if that will be still true when Atk adds

Fwiw, it used to be that only documents implemented collections in AT-SPI, although there was no real reason for this restriction, and iirc Joanie felt that it would be useful to Orca for all objects to implement the interface.

 * @properties: (element-type gchar*) (transfer none) (allow-none): The
 * properties to fetch, or %NULL to fetch all supported properties.

properties param here is also affected by what I mentioned on previous
method. Not all the relevant information on at-spi2 is right now defined
as properties.

Yeah, I was envisioning that properties could be added to fetch things in some cases that now require multiple calls. For instance, the magnifier might want to fetch the extents of the character under the cursor. To do this, it first needs to query the offset of the caret, then query the extents of the character at that offset, whereas, if there were a CurrentCharacterScreenExtents property, it could simply request the information it needed in one asynchronous call.

 * @rule_start: (allow-none): a match rule specifying the ancestor
from which
 * to start, or %NULL to use the object specified in @collection itself.

I don't really understand that @rule_start param. Using as reference
other atspicollection is used, "rules" are used to define which elements
we want under an ancestor, not which ancestor we want. So if we use rule
to define the ancestor, we lose the way to define which siblings do we
want. It also doesn't define the depth. IMHO, I would keep the
collection used to call this method as the ancestor, and would use rule
to define which children from that collection we want.

The use case I had in mind was that Orca might want to find an ancestor of the focused object with a given 
role, then query all descendants of that object that are on screen, and finding such an ancestor could 
require several calls. But then again my guess is that Orca would only do that once when constructing a flat 
review context, and several round-trip calls aren't really that much of a hit performance-wise (it's more the 
cases where we make several hundred calls that we need to worry about here). So I'm friendly to that 

 * @allow_sync: Specifies whether synchronous calls will be allowed
 * the execution of @callback. If this is set to %FALSE, then an
 * will be thrown if the callback calls an AT-SPI function which would
 * otherwise make a synchronous D-Bus call. Set to %FALSE in cases
where a
 * synchrous D-Bus call has the potential to cause deadlock (for
instance, if
 * the application needs to be able to respond to non-AT-SPI D-Bus
calls from
 * other applications). Otherwise set to %TRUE.

We already had several sync methods, and the atspi collection. Is there
any reason to allow this method to be synchronous?

I'm hoping that the function will be useful to Orca for building flat review contexts, and Orca might want to query something that is not available as a property. If gnome-shell were to do this, then it should not be allowed and indicates that we need to come up with a way to allow gnome-shell to get the data that it needs asynchronously, but we don't currently need this hard restriction for Orca, since it doesn't need to respond to synchronous non-AT-SPI D-Bus calls from other applications

 * @callback: (scope async): The callback to be invoked when data is
 * @user_data: Data to pass to @callback.
 * Asynchronously fetches data for an object and all of its descendants.
 * The data is cached for the duration of @callback.

I liked the idea of using collection for this. Although collection needs
to be refined, and defined on ATK, I think that is a good idea using it,
as would mean putting all the "get all objects that fulfill X" on the
same interface. But as I mentioned, there are some problems on this
method definition. So in that sense I think that it would be simpler to
just reuse what collection defines, but adding an asynchronous calls.
So, something like:

atspi_collection_get_matches_async (<same signature that

Maybe. The new function is doing things that the previous functions haven't been doing (ie, querying properties and caching their values for use in the callback).

In any case, I have the feeling, that eventually all _get related
methods on atspi would need to be defined as asynchronous. Even stuff
like atspi_accessible_get_name. But it is true that this would be
somewhat tricky on the server side. But this is a long-long term
discussion, and this two methods are a good first step.


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