Re: [g-a-devel] ANNOUNCE: AT-SPI 2.1.90 released

Hi Halim,

I'm sorry for never answering this. I haven't tested lately with GNOME 2.32, and there are a few issues that I can think of:

- at-spi2-atk has a .desktop file that loads atk-bridge (and gail, if applicable) if the toolkit-accessibility gsettings key is enabled, but this requires version 3 of gnome-session and/or gnome-settings-daemon. I wrote an unofficial patch a while ago to make at-spi2-registryd modify GTK_MODULES like the old AT-SPI:

- Some new roles were added to atk during the 3.1 cycle, so at-spi2-atk's atk dependency was upped as well (although I think it would be possible to dynamically fetch the new role values from the atk enum, if needed).

- pyatspi now checks for pygobject-3.0, since the current recommended practice is to use pygobject 3 for anything involving introspection and to use pygobject 2 (parallel-installable) for the old static bindings.


On Sun, 4 Sep 2011, Halim Sahin wrote:

Hi Mike,
Thx for the work.
Does this at-spi2 work with gnome-2.32?

Best Regards

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