Re: [g-a-devel] HTML 5 figure and figcaption elements.

On 11/10/2011 05:25 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> Hi. Figure element is supposed to contain or group illustrations,
> diagrams and etc so role_image is inside a figure accessible.
> Originally I tempted to say we don't need an accessible for a figure
> and we should expose the underlying image labelled by figcaption
> element but that seems doesn't work well when figure is used to group
> a set of images or diagrams.
> I think when AT sees a figure accessible then it should announce this
> is a figure and the figure name obtained from figcaption accessible
> and then allow user to go into the figure to pick up underlying
> elements. It's used to introduce a sort of new level of abstraction so
> that the user goes into it when he's interested in details. For
> example:
> <figure>
>   <figcaption>Alhambra</figcaption>
>   <img src="alhambra.jpg" alt="A room of the palace and a view of the
> Court of the Lions.">
> </figure>

New questions, sorry ;).

Taking into account previous mail, saying that you want to expose an
object with ATK_ROLE_CAPTION, one can think in this accessible object

      AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_FIGURE, num_children=2) name=Alhambra
         AtkObject(ATK_ROLE_CAPTION, num_children=0), name=Alhambra
         AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_IMAGE, num_children=0) description="A room ..."
But as you say that the AT would announce a figure using figcaption
name, I think that a different valid hierarchy would be this:
      AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_FIGURE, num_children=1) name=Alhambra
         AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_IMAGE, num_children=0) description="A room ..."

Although you say that ATs could go into the figure for details, not sure
what extra information an CAPTION object would provide.

And finally, to check that I understood this. Is this html possible?

<img src="alhambra.jpg" alt="A room of the palace and a view of the
Court of the Lions.">
<img src="alhambra2.jpg" alt="A different room of the palace">
<img src="alhambra3.jpg" alt="last alhambra photo">

With a hierarchy like this (using the second approach):

      AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_FIGURE, num_children=3) name=Alhambra
         AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_IMAGE, num_children=0) description="A room ..."
         AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_IMAGE, num_children=0) description="A
different ..."
         AtkObject (ATK_ROLE_IMAGE, num_children=0) description="Last  ..."


Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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