Re: [g-a-devel] pyatspi: traceback in orca

On Sun, 29 May 2011, Halim Sahin wrote:

On So, Mai 29, 2011 at 04:06:38 -0400, Mike Gorse wrote:
That's interesting--I haven't seen that traceback before.  What versions
of gobject-introspection and pygobject are you using?  I'm guessing that
upgrading one or both of those might help, in which case
needs to be updated, but I'm not positive.
pygobject is version 2.26.0
gobject-introspection is version 0.10.8

Alright... So I'd broken compatibility with pygobject 2.26.0. Given that the changes that caused this were mainly just code clean-ups that don't really benefit users and upgrading pygobject may well be more complicated than simply upgrading a package (there was an API change somewhere along the line that requires things depending on it to be rebuilt), I've pulled those changes from master. They are now in a separate branch called enum-types that I'll plan on merging in either late in the 3.1 cycle or for 3.3.


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