Re: [g-a-devel] window:close event - does it work?

Thanks a lot for sending the link to that code.  It checks for an event, "window:destroy" that is not documented
in my primary source of documentation:
I registered a listener for window:destroy and received it.  Hopefully window:destroy is an event officially supported
by at-spi and not an event that is soon to go away.  I see that you are one of the authors of that file -- what
documentation did you read that told you that "window:destroy" was a possible event?
The code also listens for window:close.  As I'm sure you've seen, Li Yuan claims that window:close is not implemented
yet in at-spi, so I assume your code has never seen that event, right?

From: gnome-accessibility-devel-bounces gnome org [mailto:gnome-accessibility-devel-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Nagappan A
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2008 3:59 PM
To: Quiring, Sam
Cc: gnome-accessibility-devel gnome org
Subject: Re: [g-a-devel] window:close event - does it work?

Hi Sam,

If its C based code you can try this - report_window_event -

For python based, you can check here - windowListenerCallback -


2008/11/20 Quiring, Sam <Sam Quiring windriver com>
What does it take to get the window:close event to occur?  I've tried everything I can think of.  Now that I've got Accerciser installed (Thanks Willie Walker) , I set the Event Monitor to watch for only the window->close event, but I can't get it to happen no matter how I make windows go away.
I am experimenting with the "Keyboard Shortcuts" dialog (in gnome-terminal click Edit -> Keyboard Shortcuts...).  The dialog has a "Close" push-button.  When I click the "Close" button, Accerciser's event monitor does not report a window:close event.  If I add window:create to the monitor, the event monitor sees that event when the dialog comes up.  So the dialog definitely qualifies as a window.
I do get window:activate and window:deactivate events for the "Keyboard Shortcuts" dialog.

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