Re: [g-a-devel] SPI_registerGlobalEventListener() issues

Hi Sam,

Comments below.

Quiring, Sam wrote:
The docs for SPI_registerGlobalEventListener
queries.html#SPI-registerGlobalEventListener> ) says:
eventType : a character string indicating the type of events for
which notification is requested. Format is
EventClass:major_type:minor_type:detail where all subfields other than
EventClass are optional. EventClasses include "object", "window",
"mouse", and toolkit events (e.g. "Gtk", "AWT"). Examples: "focus:",
When I use "window" as the eventType I get this error message on stderr
and no window events are reported:
(sbq:22254): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_lookup:
assertion `name != NULL' failed
           ** (sbq:22254): WARNING **: Invalid signal type (null)
From the example of the document, ":" after event type is expected.
When I use "window:" as the eventType, I do not get the error message,
but no window events are reported.
This could be a bug. I think "where all subfields other than EventClass are optional" means "not all EventClass have subfields". During emit events, at-spi checks these fields. So probably you should add the subfields.
When I use "Gtk" or "Gtk:" as the eventType, I get very similiar error
messages to stderr for both values:
(sbq:22840): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_type_from_name:
assertion `name != NULL' failed
          ** (sbq:22840): WARNING **: Invalid object type (null)

When I use the complete string for a specific window event, e.g.,
"window:create", I do not get any error messages to stderr.  However, I
have been unable to get two of the specific five events I've tried to be
delivered - neither to my application nor to Accerciser:
window:close -- cannot get event to be delivered
window:move   -- cannot get event to be delivered
Yes, these signals are not emitted now.


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