Re: [g-a-devel] Royal National Institute for the Blind low-vision fonts now under GPL v3 - include in GNOME?

On 23/11/2007, Luke Yelavich <themuso themuso com> wrote:
> On the technical side, what sort of fonts are they, and where would they usually be placed on one's system to make use of them? I don't know a lot about fonts, but I would like to get these into Ubuntu ASAP.

True Type (.ttf)
I just unzipped and then dragged into fonts:/// which I opened in nautilus.
However that does a user specific install in ~/.fonts so is no good
for pre installation.
Perhaps they go in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/XXX plus a little config magic?

They're GPL 3 if that matters.

Steve Lee
Jambu - Alternative Access to Computers

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