Re: [g-a-devel] How to indicate disabled state

Hi Peter, all:

Note that in some toolkits/apps, "greyed out" objects remain in the focus chain. FOCUSABLE means "can ever take focus"; changing that state from TRUE to FALSE is not technically incorrect, but it's sort of an edge case for the state.

There has been discussion of deprecating either STATE_SENSITIVE or STATE_ENABLED (I forget which), but they too are subtly different. SENSITIVE/ENABLED are certainly the right ones to look at to determine if a GUI control is "greyed out", i.e. potentially actionable but not currently "live".

My vote would be to retain FOCUSABLE when an object is greyed out, but that could confuse clients who expect the object to remain in the focus chain. On the other hand, I don't think there are currently any clients which enumerate the FOCUSABLE objects and make such an inference, and the upcoming Collection API would allow objects to be returned in "Tab order", potentially giving clients a way to obtain the equivalent info (i.e. which objects are in the focus chain).


Peter Parente wrote:

How should the atk/AT-SPI states be used to indicate a widget is
disabled/grayed? In gail, it looks like:

widget is interactive
widget is not interactive because it is currently disabled
3) !STATE_FOCUSABLE means the widget is never interactive so it's
neither enabled or disabled

In Firefox 3.0, STATE_FOCUSABLE is removed when a widget is
disabled/grayed. This makes the second case (currently disabled) and
third case (can never be enabled or disabled) indistinguishable. This
is problematic for an AT which wants to announce "disabled" when an
interactive widget is currently not available for interaction, but say
nothing when the widget can never become interactive. For instance,
consider a grayed submit button on a web page versus a paragraph of
text on the same page.

According to the AT-SPI docs:

"STATE_FOCUSABLE: Indicates this object can accept keyboard focus,
which means all events resulting from typing on the keyboard will
normally be passed to it when it has focus."

When a control is in a disabled stated, it cannot accept the keyboard
focus. Under this interpretation, it sounds like Firefox is doing the
right thing. But then there is still a lack of distinction.

Does anyone have an elegant solution or recommendation that doesn't
involve having the AT revert to guessing which roles are interactive
and which are not?

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