[g-a-devel] [Fwd: Announcing Orca v2.17.92]

Orca v2.17.92 is out (release announcement attached). We're getting down to the last throes of GNOME 2.18, and there's a hard code freeze on March 5th, which is one week from today.
If you can please test Orca v2.17.92 soon and get us feedback on really 
really bad stuff (especially bad stuff we don't know about), it would be 
of great help.
I'm also pretty excited about the upcoming GNOME 2.18 release.  We've 
made a lot of advancements since Orca v1.0.0 was released just a half 
year ago.  The community has really helped us come a long way in such a 
short time.
We're going to keep hammering away at Firefox 3.0 support, and will keep 
doing the best we can with it.  The Firefox team is responsive to our 
bug reports and questions, and we'll keep making forward progress step 
by step until Firefox 3.0 is released.
--- Begin Message ---
* What is Orca?

Orca is a free, open source, flexible, and extensible screen reader that provides access to the graphical desktop via user-customizable combinations of speech, braille, and/or magnification. Orca development has been led by the Sun Microsystems, Inc., Accessibility Program Office via continued engagement with its end users and contributions from wonderful community members.
You can also read more about Orca at http://live.gnome.org/Orca.

The Orca 2.17.x series are designated for the GNOME 2.17.x releases, but should also work well on the GNOME 2.16.x releases.
NOTE ON FIREFOX 3.0 SUPPORT: we know many of you are anxiously awaiting 
compelling access to the web via Orca and Firefox.  As of v2.17.92, the 
support is still under development and both the Orca and Firefox teams 
are working feverishly to get it there for Firefox 3.0.  We're getting 
there step by step.
* What's changed for Orca v2.17.92?

* Much more work on Gecko.py support for Firefox.  Firefox support
  still has a ways to go, both inside Firefox itself and inside Orca.

* Fix for bug 412058 to terminate the python process better when it
  receives a TERM signal.  Note that one must send the TERM signal
  directly to the Python process.  Sending it to the shell script
  won't do since the shell script turns around and does a kill -9 on
  the Python process when it gets a TERM signal.  The motivation for
  this is to better support the code coverage analysis work that is
  being done by Lynn Monsanto.
* Work on bug 354479 to announce what we can about changes to the
  battery status.  There are currently issues with the AT-SPI
  support from the Galago support used by gnome-panel that prevent
  us from doing a more effect job here.

* Fix for bug 407480 to prevent "orca --help" and other informative
  commands from killing other Orca processes that might be running.

* Fix for bug 409708 to remove unnecessary code from Thunderbird
  script now that a few Thunderbird bugs have been fixed.

* Fix for bug 405541 to better handle Thunderbird message summary
  list in braille.

* Fix for but 408174 to make laptop keybindings work better
  (Thanks to community member Juan Ramon Jimenez for this fix!!!).

* Fixed for bug 405624 so Orca will report a label even if it was
  same as previous one.

* New and updated translations (THANKS EVERYONE!!!):

    ar      Arabic               Khaled Hosny and Djihed Afifi
    bg      Bulgarian            Alexander Shopov
    en_GB   English/British      David Lodge
    fi      Finnish              Ilkka Tuohela
    fr      French               Jonathan Ernst and Stéphane Raimbault
    it      Italian              Luca Ferretti
    ko      Korean               Changwoo Ryu
    nb      Norwegian Bokmål     Kjartan Maraas and Sigurd Gartmann
    pl      Polish               Artur Flints and GNOME PL Team
    pt      Portuguese           Duarte Loreto
    sv      Swedish              Daniel Nylander
    zh_CN   Simplified Chinese   Funda Wang and Abel Cheung
    zh_HK   Traditional Chinese  Chao-Hsiung Liao and Woodman Tuen
    zh_TW   Traditional Chinese  Chao-Hsiung Liao and Woodman Tuen

* Where can I get it?

You can obtain Orca v2.17.92 in source code form at the following:



The Orca Team

--- End Message ---

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