Re: [g-a-devel] grabFocus

Rodney Dawes wrote:
I don't think there's any reason to try and avoid doing so. During
automated testing, of this sort, you need to avoid using the keyboard
and mouse, as the tests will be entering data into fields in the UI,
and moving the mouse and typing on the keyboard, can interfere with
that and cause problems in the testing. Having grabfocus bring the
window to the front is the proper thing to do, IMO.
For automated testing, you could call grabFocus on the toplevel window first, so either answer to the question below (do/don't pop toplevel to top when calling grabFocus on an internal widget) would work.
-- dobey

On Mon, 2007-02-12 at 23:03 -0700, A Nagappan wrote:

Attached a patch to grabFocus on any accessibility component in

---------snip starts------------
Bill's comment on the bug:

We should ask the list (g-a-d) whether clients think grabFocus should
pop the
window to the top, even when called on a subcomponent (as opposed to
just a
toplevel window).
---------snip ends------------

Any comments / objections ?

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