Re: [g-a-devel] [Kde-accessibility] [Accessibility] Re: [Accessibility-atspi] D-Bus AT-SPI - The way forward

Steve Lee wrote:
On 17/12/2007, Willie Walker <William Walker sun com> wrote:
o Look at the role of the event source.  Passing this along in the event
would prevent a round trip.

Doesn't the EventDetails expansion cover this? It appears to be
optional if the toolkit supplies but potentially the infrastructure
could fill it in.

D'Oh! There it is! OK, so, now to see if we can take better advantage of this and the accessible name in pyatspi.

o If Orca decides it needs to present something about the event source,
we also typically look at the ancestry of the event source.  The main
reason for this is to compare the ancestry of the current object with
focus to the ancestry of the object that previously had focus so that
Orca can present contextual changes in location.  I'm not sure sending a
complete ancestry with every event would be desirable, though.

This must be a common requirement as you need to know if a change
furthet up the tree possibly effects your 'state'

I wonder what the cost would be to send the hierarchy. I'm not sure how deep a typical tree would be in the wild, though.


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