Re: [g-a-devel] [Kde-accessibility] [Accessibility] Re: [Accessibility-atspi] D-Bus AT-SPI - The way forward

Hi Rob:

Though I helped create the Java accessibility API proper, I'm not quite sure how the CORBA stuff is handled. I've only worked on a few bugs in the java-access-bridge (see, it's still a slight bit beyond me.

It's probably obvious, but the main code seems to live in these directories. The one I play in the most is the 'impl' one:

As part of the build, I believe an idlgen pass is done that creates all the stub/skeleton stuff that lives under the idlgen directory. I'm going to be digging a bit more in there this week, so I hope to learn more.


Rob Taylor wrote:
Michael Meeks wrote:
On Mon, 2007-12-10 at 21:57 +0000, Rob Taylor wrote:
Supporting shouldn't be hard, but we really
need with some input from people who understand how accessibility is
exposed by AWT/SWT/Swing..
	Surely there should not be a per-toolkit wrt. simply bridging to a
different IPC mechanism. And indeed, the plus for Java of course would
be that it should be faster than using TCP sockets, more secure, and (of
course) will work on stock Linux systems (that disable IPv4/6 sockets).

I think I could definitly do with a bit more of a background on how java
toolkits expose themselves. Could you quickly go though what components
do which bits and how corba currently ties in?

I'm a bit confused by the slowdown, though.  I thought that programs
that use UNIX sockets to connect to the ORBit2 server will continue to
do so even when TCP/IP is enabled.  My understanding was that enabling
TCP/IP with ORBit2 just made it possible for programs that want to use
TCP/IP to also be able to connect to the ORBit2 server (such as Java
Well, the slowdown occurs when you disable local sockets, so no suprise
there :)
	I'd also expect a (small) slowdown just enabling IPv4 sockets, whether
they are used or not (and they're not preferred clearly), since in
itself that ~doubles the size of each object profile we marshal.

Actually we did seem see that, but it was small enough a difference  (~
5%) that it could have been noise.



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