Re: [g-a-devel] Gnopernicus and textmode app, how avoiding crash


So before opening a true bug report I'am going to install the latest version (0.11.5) in hope that this correct.
Secondly I like  to verify if I have made a mistake during the installation. 
So, must I do something with textmode app before using gnopernicus ?
More precisely,

I actualy start gnome by typing starx on tty1. I have no tried by typing "startx & " because I suposed that like on windows, a text mode app open automaticaly a commandline box in which gnopernicus is operational. Am I wrong ?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Bill Haneman" <Bill Haneman Sun COM>
To: "Daniel COTTO" <daniel cotto wanadoo fr>
Cc: <gnome-accessibility-devel gnome org>
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: [g-a-devel] Gnopernicus and textmode app, how avoiding crash

Hi Daniel:

Your crash is not one with which I am familiar. As far as I know, gnopernicus should continue to work fine when text mode apps are launched. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
If you can attach error messages or, better yet, a stack trace, it could 
be very helpful.

Daniel COTTO wrote:

 I'm using Gnopernicus 0.11.4 with brltty 3.6.2 on my deb sarge.
When I click on a gnome menu item that lead to a text mode app, srcore crash. Is there a configuration item to quickly avoid this crash ? In other words I would like to sleep gnopernicus and use my brltty for all text mode apps.
 Thinks for you help.

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