[g-a-devel] AT-SPI table interface problems

I'm experiencing some problems accessing gtk tables via the AT-SPI table interface. In particular, the getSelectedRows and getSelectedColumns calls are returning CORBA.UNKNOWN or causing hangs or crashes on accessible objects exposing the table interface.

For example, using these methods on the table of characters in the Gnome character map application has the following results:

getSelectedRows returns CORBA.UNKNOWN
getSelectedColumns hangs indefinitely

Using these methods on the list of languages in the same application (which is exposed under role 'table') gives the following results:

getSelectedRows works properly
getSelectedColumns crashes the character map application

In another example, using these methods on the list of demos in the gtk-demo (which is exposed under role 'tree table') has the following results:

getSelectedRows works properly
getSelectedColumns crashes gtk-demo with a seg fault

I understand that tables that are actually lists probably shouldn't support the getSelectedColumns call, but they probably shouldn't be crashing applications. The failure of getSelectedRows on the character map table seems wrong.

Can anyone comment on these problems? I can file a bug report on bugzilla with my test code if need be.


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