Re: [g-a-devel] where magnifier_init is called in gnome-mag?

Hi Carlos:

magnifier_init is called when the 'Magnifier' object is instantiated. You are right that this is "hidden" in the details of a Bonobo macro, which defines magnifier_get_type().

The 'get_type()' construct passes an 'init' method, in this case 'magnifier_init'; this is part of the GObject programming paradigm. The 'Magnifier' class uses GObject for its inheritance, method implementation, reference counting, etc. You might want to look at some tutorials for use of GObject in order to see how this works; in turn, Bonobo is built on GObject, so the bonobo macro is what connectst the GObject type declaration to the magnifier.c code which you see.



Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues Diogenes wrote:

Hi Bill,

I try to find where the function magnifier_init delcare in magnfier.c is called in gnome-mag but with no success. Can you explaim me where it is called? I search in the bonobo references and docs, because I thinked that this function name can be a default function that bonobo, based on the objects defined in the IDL definition file, call when the component is activated, but doesn't find anything related with this.

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