Detecting focus on a terminal [was Re: [g-a-devel] Re: AT-SPI, focus leaving and window IDs]

Samual said...
By 'xterms', I meant gnome-terminal for instance. Other xterms should be
made at-spi accessible as well in some future.

The way you detect when focus has moved to a terminal is to listen for "focus:" events. When you receive a focus event from an object with ROLE_TERMINAL, then a terminal has been focussed.

Any at-spi accessible terminals should provide this information, as gnome-terminal now does.

I believe that if you really wanted gnopernicus not to announce terminal changes (because, for instance, you want brltty to do it instead), you can modify the gnopernicus "presentation settings" to suppress speech and/or braille from objects of ROLE_TERMINAL.

So the only remaining issue has to do with sharing of brlapi by clients. I am not aware of any reason why one brlapi client must explicitly "release" the braille display before another client can send to it, but perhaps there is one...



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