Re: [g-a-devel] gnome-speech api

Hi Peter:

I was wondering about the current status of speech recognition in the
gnome-speech library. I've browsed through the sources and cvs but I
only found out that an API version 1.0 is in the making which includes
speech input processing. Where do I find the current API version and
what is the speech input status?

The current API version is 0.3.7, which was release earlier this year.
We are currently developing assistive technologies (e.g., Gnopernicus
and Orca) against this API as a means to better validate its viability.

At one point, there was an effort to model the gnome-speech API after
the Java Speech API (JSAPI), but that has since gone dormant.  It may
be worthwhile to investigate this some more as it might address some
of the issues and limitations (e.g., no speech input) of the current
0.3.7 API.

Hope this helps,


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