Re: [g-a-devel]Re: Selection and Combo Boxes

remus draica wrote:

Hi Padraig,

If user press the up/down arrow key, then a selection-changed event from the combo is fired. If combo doesn't implement AccessibleSelection interface, what kind of events will be fired in this case?


On Friday 30 January 2004 12:29, padraig o'briain wrote:
remus draica wrote:


If I read the code correctly, you do not make an assumption that a
combo-box implements AccessibleSelection. What would happen if a combo-box
did not implement AccessibleSelection.
I believe Padraig may be proposing that the selection-changed events would come from the "list child" of the combobox, which would implement AccessibleSelection. The intention of AccessibleSelection was that selection takes place on its direct children, whereas the list items in a ComboBox are more deeply nested.

- Bill


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