[g-a-devel]Accessibles lifetime & events order

As I have already explained to this list, I am catching every possible 
event, and then going up the accessible hierarchy from the event 

(code sample :
for( spi::accessible par(source); par ; par=par.parent())
	// read info in par

I was having trouble with Accessibles from the GUI hierarchy 
disappearing under my feat because of defunct events.

The solution I was using was to save the information about the 
Accessibles that were being destroyed, and use it when I would 
otherwise be using a pointer to a dead Accessible ( with a map from 
pointer to information).

(new code 
    bool dying=e.type().find("defunct")!=Glib::ustring::npos;
	 // store time of death a ptr to info data structure
   for( spi::accessible par(source); par ; par=par.parent())
	if(is_ok(par.id()) || dying){
	// read info on par
	 if(dying)  {/*.. store info of dying accessible */}
	}else if(is_dead(par.id())){
	// get info stored in data structure

I was not happy with this because pointer (memory locations in fact) 
get reused, so I had to decide when I would trust the pointer to be a 
new Accessible and not dangling from the defunct one :
When I got a pointer to Accessible for which I had seen a defunct 
event, I could not reliably decide wether it was still related to the 
obsolete Accessible, of if the memory locaton was reused for a new 

Toying with my code, I just realised that the original problem 
(Accessible disappearing when I wanted to use them) was gone !

Am I just lucky ?
I really would like to clean my code, I would not wat to rely on luck.
Does anybody have any insight to share ?

Thank you very much in advance !


PS: In fact the problem does not disappear entierly: I would like to 
have unique ID for each Accessible. Pointer value would be an 
obivious choise, but I (once again ) have to handle the reuse.
Unless someone can suggest anything better ?

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