[g-a-devel]Re: Request to apply patch for bug #108664

This patch suppresses window:deactivate and window:activate event pairs and a focus event notification which occur when using the numeric keypad in gnopernicus to issue command to gnopernicus.

Gnopernicus requests that at-spi-registryd process listen for certain key strokes. This requires that at-spi-registryd call XGrabKey, unless XEVIE extension is available, which is currently only on Solaris.When the listened for keystrokes occur FocusOut and FocusIn X events. These cause window:deactivate and window:activate to be generated. The at-spi-registryd prevents these events being notofied to a listener, i.e. gnopernicus.

Essentially, it makes using the numeric keypad in gnopernicus, a key part of its functionality usable.

The patch has been thoroughly tested by the Baum development team.

I do not think that there is any risk of regressions or bugs in other areas.


Mark McLoughlin wrote:
Hi Padraig,

On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 14:33, padraig o'briain wrote:

We have the attached patch for bug #108664. This bug blocks a number of gnopernicus bugs and has been tested by the gnopernicus team.

Permission to apply is requested.

	#108664 is a pretty huge bug to read. Please try and help us make a
decision by giving us the following information:

 * What does this patch fix and what are the consequences to the user
   if this patch doesn't get in ?

 * In a nutshell what does the patch do ?

 * How well tested is this patch ?

 * In your estimation how much risk is there that this patch, will
   cause serious regressions/bugs in other areas ?


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