[g-a-devel]Re: high gnopernicus string count

ons 2003-07-16 klockan 14.41 skrev Luis Villa:
> > [...]
> > > While there may be a number of strings that aren't needed (or which don't
> > > need to be translated) - which we should find and note, to ease the burden
> > > of localization of Gnopernicus and the GNOME desktop - Gnopernicus will by
> > > its very nature have a high number of strings.  It is the nature of the
> > > beast!
> > 
> > This is certainly true -- but it looks to me, by looking at the pot
> > file, that there are some messages in Gnopernicus marked for translation
> > that are really only debug messages of some kind.
> Remus seems to agree with you here. Is there some doc that explains what
> should and shouldn't be translated in a 'correct' GNOME app? Seems like
> that would be helpful to anyone who wanted to review gnopernicus.

I don't really think there is; it's mostly a judgement thing. On one end
of things we have highly visible UI stuff, and in the other end we have
console debug messages. While people not necessarily always agree on
where to draw the line on this scale (I myself think that many error
messages are perfectly fine to translate, as long as they are at least
somewhat useful also for the user), I think that most people agree that
stuff that are only there to help developers in debugging the
application (and don't really help the user) shouldn't be marked for
translation at all.


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